BAJAN PIED PIPER * How to play Pan Flute – 3/3

Learn how to play a pan flute. MUSIC 106! Don’t just pick up your instrument and play every song the same old way! Give each song its own special touch. Give your music life and feeling. PLAY FROM YOUR HEART… play with PIZZAZZ!. (Wish I could underline that!) Let your song express emotion, joy, excitement, sorrow, sentiment, ardor, pain, tenderness, warmth, passion, sensuality, happiness… according to its kind and the way you wish it to be received … AND LET YOUR “BODY LANGUAGE” MIRROR YOUR PASSION… Remember: every song has its own essence, message, persona. You must get in synch with it and express it with FEELING! Please see Here I play – With These Hands – and demonstrate many techniques you can use to make your playing sparkle, such as vibrato, bending, slurred notes, glissando, semi-tones … I also express some personal sentiments which I hope will resonate cheerfully with you 🙂 ! ! ! forward this video to your friends! it may inspire them! (at the very least they’ll have a good laugh!) By the way I got my first pan flute somewhere around March /09 and the first video I posted on YouTube was in May /09 so I had only been playing it for about 3 months. I mention this to say the PF is not at all a difficult instrument to learn to play. See Since then Ive posted several other videos look for them and observe the various techniques I use to give expression to the songs. Of course I am by no means a virtuoso! But I have been


Learn how to play a pan flute. MUSIC 104 In this video BP teaches you how to produce good clear, rich, melodious notes on your pan flute. Many new pan pipers have some initial difficulty getting their flute to speak properly! Everyone’s mouth is shaped differently so there isn’t a “one size fits all” specific for everybody. HOW TO GET A NOTE 1) Place the flute a little below your bottom lip. 2) Take some air into your lungs, 3) Form your lips into a slight smile, “purse” them and blow gently across the top of the hole BREATHING FROM YOUR ABDOMEN … PUSH YOUR BREATH BY CONTRACTING YOUR ABDOMINAL MUSCLES. 4) When you blow, start the stream of air using an action with your tongue as if saying the word “too.” 5) Adjust the distance of the rim of the flute viv-a-vis your lower lip, as needed, by moving it a little up or down and also the angle, (as demonstrated on the video) and you’ll find the right spot where the flute delivers the best note. As you play, listen to the quality of each note and fine-tune it — as necessary — so you produce the purest note on each pipe. ie – you’re playing a song, you’re moving the flute and playing on different pipes, – keep your ear cocked as you play each note and make alterations by adjusting the angle of the flute, its position on or below your lip and the tightness or openness of your lips (your embouchure) as needed, to secure the purest note. You may possibly find as you go to play the very highest notes to squeeze your lips very

My Romance – BAJAN PIEDPIPER – Learn to play a pan flute

My Romance Bajan Piedpiper This is the first video I’ve posted and the quality is not the best! I’ll try to get it better subsequently. I’m just using a web cam and it’s difficult to get the audio and focus settings properly adjusted. Thank you for watching this video! Please visit my main page, click here ~ Dear friend . . . music is such a wonderful thing! It warms the heart and sooths the troubled mind! I am a completely self taught musician and the only reason I post these videos is that (hopefully!) they may inspire you to run out and get an instrument and learn to play! Its not that hard! You can either teach yourself or find a tutor in your neighborhood. I can promise you your life will be greatly enriched!


Learn to play harmonica. MUSIC 100 Put the video on pause and read these side-bar notes before you watch. There are two aspects of music that particularly interest us – melody and harmony. In blues, the melody will be played by a lead instrument (for us on a harp) and the harmony (chords) will be played -usually – by a guitar or a keyboard such as a piano or organ. Playing blues has to do with improvising. What you want to avoid when improvising are ‘sour notes’ –ie notes that sound discordant! THE FACT IS you can play ANY note ANY TIME! ~ But there is a ‘trick’ to it! There are notes that sound right and some that definitely sound ‘wrong’ ! YOUR EAR TELLS YOU WHICH NOTES ARE HARMONIOUS AND WHICH ARE INHARMONIOUS! HOW TO DEAL WITH SOUR NOTES ~ DAMAGE CONTROL – Trick #1 -ooo- HOW TO PLAY RIFFS THAT ‘FIT’ EACH TIME ~ Trick#2. One of the skills you have to learn ~ is how to cover a mistake. Whenever you play a discordant note, what some call a ‘wrong note’ – you get off it right away! You certainly may use them as stepping stones, meaning when you play it (or them) you just touch them and quickly move to the next note. Another way of saying this is ~ you can use discordant notes as links to bridge one harmonious note to the other. Again, let it be clear: the trick is to not dwell long or linger on the discordant note. In real terms ~ you may use all notes when you play, but discordant notes you use as passing tones. Yes! DO use ‘discordant notes’ – they give your music

HOW TO PLAY HARMONICA – Lesson 1 – SINGLE NOTES – Bajan Piedpiper

MUSIC 101 It has been said “a harmonica is the world’s greatest musical instrument.” Played with pizzazz it sure sounds sweet! There is one thing I can surely promise you ~ if you will view this video, study and visit the links given in these notes, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS… if you will be patient and persistent and refrain from becoming frustrated… you will succeed in learning to play harmonica! It does not matter what skill it is, ALL SKILLS require PRACTICE … just take it one step at a time and you will succeed. Ok! One of the first things you notice when you try to play a harmonica is that you’ll play more than one note at the same time, this is because the holes are small and close together… Even though you will sometimes use chords formed by playing more than one note at a time, your first task is to play a clean, clear single note … this is necessary to properly play the melody of a song or riff. So … to get good clear single notes is your first ‘assignment.’ Here is the technique: 1) Wet your lips with your tongue so the harp can move easily from hole to hole. 2) Move the harp and not your head! 3) Purse (pucker) your lips as when whistling or drinking through a straw. Cover the holes on the harmonica with your lips except the one hole you want to play. Your pucker should be about the size of a pencil eraser. 4) Place the harp well into your lips … do not have it out on the front. 5) Inhale, exhale gently on the hole… BREATHING FROM YOUR ABDOMEN