"Are You Washed In The Blood" Free Bluegrass Gospel Banjo Lesson

Tabs available @ www.richardsandsouthern.com . This is my version of one of my favorite hymns of ALL TIME!! I’ve played this both as an offertory piece, and expanded into a full version with my sisters. And SUBSCRIBE if you like free lessons 🙂 Adios!

My Romance – BAJAN PIEDPIPER – Learn to play a pan flute

My Romance Bajan Piedpiper This is the first video I’ve posted and the quality is not the best! I’ll try to get it better subsequently. I’m just using a web cam and it’s difficult to get the audio and focus settings properly adjusted. Thank you for watching this video! Please visit my main page, click here ~ www.youtube.com Dear friend . . . music is such a wonderful thing! It warms the heart and sooths the troubled mind! I am a completely self taught musician and the only reason I post these videos is that (hopefully!) they may inspire you to run out and get an instrument and learn to play! Its not that hard! You can either teach yourself or find a tutor in your neighborhood. I can promise you your life will be greatly enriched!