Learn How To Play Rock Guitar | Learn Electric Guitar For Beginners Newbies

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Learn to play jazz guitar Melodic Minor Lesson Part 3

I’m no jazz master, but this seems to be the most jazziest function of the scale. this is the Altered scale, or the Melodic Minor Scale a half step up. so in a jazzy ii VI Dmin7 G7 Cmaj7 you play the G# Melodic minor over the G7 and you get a real jizzazzy sound. try it out, and thanks a lot!!!

How to Play the Harmonica : Playing Shuffles on Harmonica

Play the harmonica like a Blues Brother; learn how to play a blues shuffle on your harmonica in this free video harmonica lesson. Expert: Jim Luke Bio: Jim Luke has been a bandleader, harmonica player and singer for over 30 years.

Acoustic 12 bar blues beginner guitar lesson learn to play easy and fun

www.nextlevelguitar.com Click thelink above to receive free exclusive videos, newsletters, and lots more free guitar and music goodies from Next Level Guitar. In this beginner video lesson we teach how to play an easy and fun 12 bar acoustic blues. You can play this on acoustic or electric – lots of fun and easy – check it out! Many more full on video lessons as well as a FREE 3-day all access site pass at the full on video instructional website at: www.nextlevelguitar.com


Learn to play harmonica. MUSIC 100 Put the video on pause and read these side-bar notes before you watch. There are two aspects of music that particularly interest us – melody and harmony. In blues, the melody will be played by a lead instrument (for us on a harp) and the harmony (chords) will be played -usually – by a guitar or a keyboard such as a piano or organ. Playing blues has to do with improvising. What you want to avoid when improvising are ‘sour notes’ –ie notes that sound discordant! THE FACT IS you can play ANY note ANY TIME! ~ But there is a ‘trick’ to it! There are notes that sound right and some that definitely sound ‘wrong’ ! YOUR EAR TELLS YOU WHICH NOTES ARE HARMONIOUS AND WHICH ARE INHARMONIOUS! HOW TO DEAL WITH SOUR NOTES ~ DAMAGE CONTROL – Trick #1 -ooo- HOW TO PLAY RIFFS THAT ‘FIT’ EACH TIME ~ Trick#2. One of the skills you have to learn ~ is how to cover a mistake. Whenever you play a discordant note, what some call a ‘wrong note’ – you get off it right away! You certainly may use them as stepping stones, meaning when you play it (or them) you just touch them and quickly move to the next note. Another way of saying this is ~ you can use discordant notes as links to bridge one harmonious note to the other. Again, let it be clear: the trick is to not dwell long or linger on the discordant note. In real terms ~ you may use all notes when you play, but discordant notes you use as passing tones. Yes! DO use ‘discordant notes’ – they give your music

Learn to play Bass guitar two hand tapping pull off technique lesson ala Stu Hamm

www.nextlevelguitar.com Click thelink above to receive free exclusive videos, newsletters, and lots more free guitar and music goodies from Next Level Guitar. In this bass lesson video we teach a cool two handed tapping technique with a fun riff Many more full on video lessons at the full on video instructional website at: www.nextlevelguitar.com

Learn how to play blues rock guitar string raking lesson

www.nextlevelguitar.com Click thelink above to receive free exclusive videos, newletters, and lots more free guitar and music goodies from Next Level Guitar. In this video we teach a very important guitar technique called raking – its used in many musical genres – enjoy! Many more full on video lessons at the full on instructional website at: www.nextlevelguitar.com