Learn To Play Drums (Part 3) – Quick, Easy, Simple! (Beginner Basic Rock Beat)

www.DrumsTheWord.com This is part 3 of a series of beginner videos in which I demonstrate for you the first few drum beats every drummer learns when they start out as a beginner. This beat uses eighth notes on the Hi-Hat. It’s a really simple, easy and fun drum groove to learn and will start you on your way to greater things! By the end of this video you will have learned how to play this beat and would have seen the beat played at three different tempos – slow, medium and fast. This clip is taken from a video series I intend to complete some time in the near future. I couldn’t resist sharing it with you right now though as I think it will be really useful for a lot of drummrs just starting out now. Hope you enjoy the video and please feel to email me at rob@drumstheword.com if you have any questions at all. Happy Drumming! For many other FREE drum lessons, videos, articles, drum charts, ideas and lots of drumming inspiration please visit… http

learn how to play drums Alan Schechner Advanced Drum Lessons

You can see another clip from this dvd at this link: www.youtube.com LiveToJam.com Presents Drums: Coordination & Groove Get the tools to spark your creativity! With Coordination & Groove, Alan Schechner reveals his unique “before-and-after” system—known as “Transformations”—that will change the way you think about playing drums. Learn, step-by-step, how to create and play grooves and melodies simultaneously. You will be able to apply “Transformations” to all styles of music and any time signature. Features: Learn to “transform” grooves, including Rock, Funk, Latin, Shuffle, New Orleans, Hip-Hop Improve ambidexterity/coordination Develop a melodic approach to the drum set Enhance creativity Also Includes: Drum solos “Transformations” in Odd Time Signatures, including 3/4, 5/4, 7/4, 7/8 Unique patterns with the cowbell pedal Bonus lessons And more!!! Learn to improve your coordination in a musical way! Includes Exclusive Access to Online Drum Book ! “I really dig Alan’s DVD. His ‘Transformations’ concept is killer……and the best things about this 4-way independence concept is that he uses basic beats as the foundation.” ..Bobby Jarzombek (Halford, Sebastian Bach, Iced Earth) There are few amazing drummers out there who can teach at the same high level as their drumming ability. Alan Schechner is one of those rare people who can do that. What I love about Coordination and Groove is how Alan breaks down some very difficult patterns so even a bonehead like myself can

Hear and Play Drums 103: CLip #1

With Hear and Play Drums 103, you’ll learn… How to play ultra-advanced fills, stroke-for-stroke! Bam repeats himself plenty of times and takes these advanced fills slow enough for anyone to catch on! Master the art of “crossovers” and how to enhance your grooves and fills by using them in the right places. Diversify your playing by learning gospel, jazz, funk, rock, and Latin grooves… all broken down, step-by-step.

Learn To Play Drums (Part 8) – Quick, Easy, Simple! (Practice Suggestion 2a & 2b)

www.drumstheword.com This is part 8 of a series of beginner videos in which I demonstrate for you the first few drum beats every drummer learns when they start out as a beginner. This video takes drum beats 2a and 2b and combines them into one four bar pattern. By practising this pattern you can learn how to switch between eighth notes and quarter notes with the right hand, two of the most popular right hand patterns. This clip is taken from a video series I intend to complete some time in the near future. I couldn’t resist sharing it with you right now though as I think it will be really useful for a lot of drummers just starting out now. Hope you enjoy the video and please feel to email me at rob@drumstheword.com if you have any questions at all. Happy Drumming! For many other FREE drum lessons, videos, articles, drum charts, ideas and lots of drumming inspiration please visit… http