#18 Relax Your Mind, Learn to Play the Piano EASY Fluid and Relaxed

~~~This is an IMPORTANT LESSON!~~~ This lesson will hopefully give you the right mental approach to music, to piano, and to how you play and perform. It also gives a tip on how to play hard combination of notes that require many movements in an easier way. Visit my website and join the music community forum at: www.howtoplaypiano.ca

HOW TO PLAY HARMONICA – Lesson 1 – SINGLE NOTES – Bajan Piedpiper

MUSIC 101 It has been said “a harmonica is the world’s greatest musical instrument.” Played with pizzazz it sure sounds sweet! There is one thing I can surely promise you ~ if you will view this video, study and visit the links given in these notes, FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS… if you will be patient and persistent and refrain from becoming frustrated… you will succeed in learning to play harmonica! It does not matter what skill it is, ALL SKILLS require PRACTICE … just take it one step at a time and you will succeed. Ok! One of the first things you notice when you try to play a harmonica is that you’ll play more than one note at the same time, this is because the holes are small and close together… Even though you will sometimes use chords formed by playing more than one note at a time, your first task is to play a clean, clear single note … this is necessary to properly play the melody of a song or riff. So … to get good clear single notes is your first ‘assignment.’ Here is the technique: 1) Wet your lips with your tongue so the harp can move easily from hole to hole. 2) Move the harp and not your head! 3) Purse (pucker) your lips as when whistling or drinking through a straw. Cover the holes on the harmonica with your lips except the one hole you want to play. Your pucker should be about the size of a pencil eraser. 4) Place the harp well into your lips … do not have it out on the front. 5) Inhale, exhale gently on the hole… BREATHING FROM YOUR ABDOMEN

Learn To Play Drums (Part 1) – Quick, Easy, Simple! (Beginner Basic Rock Beat)

www.drumstheword.com In this video I demonstrate for you the first ever drum beat a drummer learns when they start out as a beginner. It’s a really simple and easy drum beat to learn and will start you on your way to greater things! By the end of this video you will have learned how to play this beat and would have seen the beat played at three different tempos – slow, medium and fast. This clip is taken from a video series I intend to complete some time in the near future. I couldn’t resist sharing it with you right now though as I think it will be really useful for a lot of drummrs just starting out now. Hope you enjoy the video and please feel to email me at rob@drumstheword.com if you have any questions at all. Happy Drumming! For many other FREE drum lessons, videos, articles, drum charts, ideas and lots of drumming inspiration please visit… http