Learn to Play Recorder For more excellent DVD and audio downloads visit gr8digitaldownloads.dloadshop.com To buy this great tutorial as an iphone application visit the app store here itunes.apple.com This comprehensive series of lessons make learning the recorder great fun. The series includes lessons on: •Assembling and cleaning your recorder •Getting a sound; the too method •Left hand fingering •Adding the right hand •Thumb techniques •Vibrato and high notes The recorder is often the first instrument we learn to play when we are very young. This is because this wonderful instrument is small, transportable and easy to get proficient very quickly. This doesnt mean that the recorder is any less rewarding than other instruments and many famous classical pieces are written for this much loved instrument. This series will appeal to adults and children alike, and would be suitable for parents who wished to learn with their kids. Have fun while you learn with Learn To Play Recorder.