I really want to play the blues and I kinda know how to learn it:
1- Learn the scales
2- Listen blues
The problem lies in point 2: I know some artists but not a lot. I know the 3 Kings and Clapton etc. but obviously I can’t buy/download all their albums. So could someone give me the ”must-haves” of blues and other stuff that could help me play blues. I play electric and acoustic, so both is fine to me. Also, if anyone has extra tips, I would be glad to listen.
Additional info: I have been playing for two years now and I can play easy/ novice songs. And I can’t read notes, only tab.
Thanks everybody, but I should make something clear:
I was looking for the classics in blues and not those youtube links. I’ve already seen some of that guy (he’s actually very good), but he also advises to listen to blues.